Check, check, and check again.
In my case there was no time to think of new ideas because I
had one final check to make on my current novel - the printer’s proofs. They
arrived as soon as the postal service got back to normal after the New Year
holiday. At this stage there should be no major changes made by the author,
only corrections to any errors the typesetter may have made, such as
accidentally transposing the letters in a word, or missing out a word or
punctuation. Some authors start at the end of the book and work backwards to
ensure they are really checking each word and not just reading. I check mine
line by line using a ruler. The author can be asked to pay if he/she wishes to
make changes at this late stage, especially if taking out, or adding phrases
affect the page layout.
The last time
for changes is during the copy editing stage. Most writers will admit that we
see what we think we have written,
and often miss mistakes such as changing the name of a character, or their hair
or eye colour, mid-way through the book, or simply using a favourite word too often. Usually a good copy-editor will pick
up these mistakes, but not always. It is crucial that the author should examine
carefully any changes or corrections made by the copy-editor. This is the last chance for the author to check and make any changes, but by this stage major alterations should not be required.
I am sure most of you will have heard of the Australian
publisher who had to destroy a large number of copies of a cookery book. Presumably both
copy-editor and author overlooked the following error. “Add salt and a pinch of ground black people to the mix.”
It might have been laughable but it was a financial loss.
The topic of copy-editing is being raised again and again now
that more people are using the internet for self-publishing for digital
readers. Also many, like myself, are making changes to early books, hoping our
writing has improved with the years. These too need the scrutiny of a
copy-editor if irritating mistakes are to be avoided and punctuation used
correctly. This week I read that an agency, known to many of you, charges five
pounds per thousand words. Some charge two hundred pounds for a full length
novel, presumably up to a maximum length.
This blog post was not intended to cover digital publications
but since I have mentioned them I should add that a good book jacket is another essential and a cost unless you can do it yourself. Almost anyone can set up as a digital
publisher so it is safer to check whether they provide marketing and copy editing,
and the other tasks undertaken by reputable book publishers, before committing
your precious work to their care.
Viburnum blooming bravely through the winter - a sign of perseverance which all writers need.